


Generally, no vaccination is given in Holland. Instead, a test is done.

We recommend the following travelers to do a check for tuberculosis: 
-Travelers staying longer than three months at risk areas 
-Travelers who regularly make short trips to risk areas 
-Travelers who suspect being exposed to tuberculosis (local public transportation, or shelter with local residents or have had contact with sick people coughing) 

It is possible to test tuberculosis with a mantoux test. A test should be done 10 weeks before departure and 8-10 weeks after return. The test is only required for the travelers who will stay abroad for a long time. On mondays and thursdays, you are welcome for the mantoux test. 

Note: Regarding a possible vaccine against TB (BCG vaccination) you will receive further information if applicable. 


2 years after a series of 3 shots

This vaccine is for people who will stay for long time in areas where rabies occurs, and where medical help is far away or bad. There is a higher risk for dog bites for travellers who are cycling in the (sub) tropics. Children are also at risk, so are also eligible for this vaccination.

Schedule: Rabies vaccination is a schedule of three vaccinations. They are normally given on days 0, 7 and 21. An adaptation of the schedule is possible. The protection is two years. After two years, it is possible to boost the vaccination again. For people who want to expand the vaccination time, our advise is to get a fourth vaccination after one year. Then you will have five years of protection, in stead of 2 years. For people with a high risk of exposure, it is recommended to do a blood control test.

Yellow fever

life long

This vaccination must be given at least 10 days before entering the country.

Yellow fever is a virus infection. The infection is caused by an infected mosquito. The disease occurs in Africa and South-America. People who are infected feel sick after 3-6 days. The symptons of the infection are much like the symptoms of a flu, because of the fever and myalgia. Besides, there may be complications like jaundice, encephalitis and bleedings, which can be deadly. 

In some countries, this vaccination is mandatory for getting a visa. 


Diphtheria, Tetanus, Polio. This is a repeat of your childhood vaccination. 

Diphtheria: this in an acute infection caused by an bacteria. This disease occurs worldwide as a childhood disease. The disease variates from skin diphtheria to lung diphtheria. Diphtheria can be deadly.
Tetanus: this is an acute infection caused by toxins of the tetanus bacteria. Tetanus occurs worldwide. The disease starts most of the time with headache and jaw pain. After some days, there will occur muscle stiffness and spasms. Tetanus can be deadly. 
Polio: polio is a virus infection. People get infected because of a lack of hygiene. The illness often goed unnoticed, but can lead to paralysis and death.

Protection: 10 years. 


Protection: 3 years. 
Typhiod is a bacteria (Salmonella Typhi). Typhiod occurs after eating infected food and drinking infected drinks. The disease occurs worldwide, but occurs particularly in parts of Africa and Asia. It takes 1 or 2 weeks after the infection to feel ill. The symptoms are fever, constipation and diarrhoea.


Meningitis A, C, Y en W 135

Protection:  at least 3 years.
This illness is caused because of different bacteria and viruses.

Hepatitis A

This is a virus infection in the liver. The virus occurs after eating infected food and drinking infecting drinks. It occurs in countries with bad sanitation. After the infection, you will feel ill in in 2-7 weeks. The symptoms are the same as a flu, nausea, jaundice and dark urine. 

40 years after two vaccinations. Hepatitis A

Schedule: Before you leave, you need an vaccination. After returning (6 to 12 months) you will get a second vaccination. 

Hepatitis B

This is an infection of the liver. The infection is caused by sexual contact and blood contact (blood transfusion, needles, razor blades). The disease occurs worldwide. Most of the time, people will feel ill 2 or 3 months after the infection took place. Hepatitis B can progress to a chronic disease. To prevent the disease, use a condom and avoid being in contact with blood. 


2 vaccination, one month interval, and a third vaccination after 6 to 12 months.

Hepatitis A & B combination

Protection: after 3 vaccinations, the protection for hepatitis A is at least 25 years. The protection for hepatitis B is lifelong. 

Schedule: before you leave you will need two vaccinations with one month in between. After returning (6 to 12 months) you will get a third vaccination. 

Children: Ambirix (hepatitis A + B): one vaccination before departure. After returning a second vaccination after 6-12 months. The protection is at least 40 years.

Japanse Encefalitis

This disease is caused by an infected mosquito. The disease occurs in parts of Asia, mainly on the countryside. People will feel ill 5-15 days after the infection. Most of the time, there are no symptoms. If there are symptoms, they probably will look like a flu. 

2 years

2 vaccinations on days 0 and day 28.

Note: sometimes a third shot is required after 1 or 2 years.


F.S.M.E. (tekenencephalitis) Früh Sommer Meningo Encephalitis

Tick-encephalitis is caused by a virus. It is transmitted to humans through a tick bite and by drinking unpasteurized milk. The tick is found in large parts of central, eastern and northern Europe (European version) and in the former Sovjet Union, Kazakhstan, northeast China, Japan and Mongolia (Non-European version). A tick is active from March to November and lives in forests and grasslands. The Non-Eureopean tick is the most dangerous one. Ask a nurse at the vaccination centre of the vaccinations are eligible.

Two vaccinations before departure, with one month in between. After 9-12 months, you will need the third vaccination. 


This is a formality, for this you will only get a stamp in your vaccination booklet (free).There is now a vaccine available (Dukoral).

We are able to inform you about the vaccination. 

Malaria profylaxe

You will get a prescription from the pharmacy where you can get the tablets. The payment of malaria-tablets takes place at the pharmacy. In most cases you will have to start taking the tablets just before leaving to the tropics. Sometimes you have to start 3 weeks before departure. You should take them as told to you by the travel health specialist nurse.

You will get a personal malaria advice. Sometimes this advice is different from the standard advice, it depends on your health, your destination and the length of your journey. In Wageningen, Nijmegen and Den Bosch, a malaria consultation hour is held every week, where you will get informed in a small group of people. 

This is free of charge. Please call us to find out when the next consultation hour about malaria will take place.


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