COVID-19 Test Certificate Verification

COVID-19 Test Certificate Verification

{source}<?php $verified_code = -1; if(isset($_GET[‘code’]) && $_GET[‘code’] <> “”) { $checkcode = $_GET[‘code’] ?? ”;
///////////// PREPARE AND FETCH VERIFICATION VIA BACKOFFICE API////////////////////////
$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL,””);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, http_build_query(array(‘code’ => $checkcode)));
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
$server_response = json_decode(curl_exec($ch), true);
curl_close ($ch);

if(is_array($server_response) && isset($server_response[‘matched_code’]) && isset($server_response[‘id_document_nr’])) //successful API response
if($server_response[‘matched_code’] <> ”) {$verified_code = 1;}//verified code
else {$verified_code = 0;}//unknown code. Not able to verify
{source}<?php if($verified_code <> 1) {echo ‘<!–‘;} ?>{/source}

Test Certificate Authenticity Verified

We are pleased to confirm that the certificate has been issued by VACCINATIECENTRUM.

Certfificate issued for: {source}<?php echo ($server_response[‘voornamen’]??”) . ‘ ‘ . ($server_response[‘achternaam’]??”); ?>{/source}
Passport last three digits: {source}<?php echo $server_response[‘id_document_nr’]??”; ?>{/source}

VACCINATIECENTRUM has a unique system where you can be sure of the authenticity of our issued corona test certificates. Through the unique QR code on all our certificates, certificate holders and also authorities can scan the code and check whether it has been issued by us.
{source}<?php if($verified_code <> 1) {echo ‘–>’;} ?>{/source}{source}<?php if($verified_code <> 0) {echo ‘<!–‘;} ?> {/source}

INVALID Certidicate

The code provided has NOT been issued by Vaccinatiecentrum

VACCINATIECENTRUM has a unique system where you can be sure of the authenticity of our issued corona test certificates. Through the unique QR code on all our certificates, certificate holders and also authorities can scan the code and check whether it has been issued by us.
{source}<?php if($verified_code <> 0) {echo ‘–>’;} ?>{/source}

{source}<?php if($verified_code <> -1) {echo ‘<!–‘;} ?>{/source}
Sorry. Due to a technical error we are unable to provide verifications at this moment.
{source}<?php if($verified_code <> -1) {echo ‘–>’;} ?>{/source}

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